Go Greener with KMEC Biomass Pellet Mill & Pellet Plant

What's the reason for abnormal noise or sudden stop of biomass pellet machine?

In the process of using biomass pellet machine, abnormal noise or sudden stop of the machine would appear sometimes. The operation staff should not only to be able to operate the biomass pellet machine, but also familiar with the causes for the problem that often appear in the production process.

biomass pellet machine

I. Abnormal noise in the process of using biomass pellet machine.
There are many reasons for this phenomenon. The following are the three main reasons:
1. There are larger particles in the raw materials of biomass pellet machine. It is one of the most common reason. These hard impurities waggle and collide in the machine and lead to abnormal noise of biomass pellet machine. To eliminate the noise, the operator only need to take out the impurities when the power is cut off;
2. Internal bearing fracture would also lead to the large noise. In this case, the operator should immediately turn off the machine and find out the fracture site of the bearing, then replace the new bearing;
3. The fastener is loose. In the face of this situation, the first thing the operator need to do is turn off the machine, check to find out which parts are loose. If the parts are not damaged, the operator just need to tighten the parts.

II. Sudden stop of biomass pellet machine during the working process.
It is forbidden to touch the suddenly stopped machine with the body. Instead, the operator should cut off the power supply immediately, and then check the machine to find out the cause of the problem. In general, there are two reasons:
1. Excessive load of biomass pellet machine makes the blown fuse;
2. Large impurity falls into the machine and the machine gets stuck. The operator should take out the impurity according to the specific conditions, or replace the fuse to reduce the mechanical conformity.

There may be other faults in the process of making wood pellets, which is not analyzed here. If you have problems in the production, you can contact us at any time.

Biomass pellet machine, just as its name implies, is the environmental protection mechanical equipment for production of biomass pellet fuel. The biomass pellet fuel is mainly used as a substitute for the combustion of coal...