Go Greener with KMEC Biomass Pellet Mill & Pellet Plant

Matters needing attention in the application of pellet mill

In the production of pellet mill, some small details may lead to overhaul of the equipment, which not only affect the production, but also increase the cost in the production. Below are some matters needing attention in the production of pellet mill:

pellet mill

1. During the processing of pellet mill, no metal objects shall be mixed into the raw material to be processed to prevent loss of pressure and ring die.
2. The moisture content of the material to be processed should be around 13-20%. Too high moisture content would affect the molding effect. While too low moisture content of the raw material would lead to blocking of the equipment and generate high temperature, reducing the working capacity and the service life of the die.
3. When the pellet mill is working, the feeding speed cannot be too fast. The machine begins to heat up after about 10 minutes. Then, the operator can feed normally, otherwise it would make the machine block and produce high temperature.
4. When replacing the new ring die, abrasive material must be used for grinding. (Sawdust, carborundum and engine oil are used in proportion of 7:2:1 as abrasive material. Pour it over and over again from the hand feeding mouth for about 40 minutes.)
5. The feeding speed of pellet mill can be adjusted according to the discharging and temperature change situation of biomass pellet machine. In the beginning of discharging, only a few pellets can be formed. Pellets can be produced normally in a few minutes.
6. During the working process of pellet mill it is necessary to check the fastening of bolts, nuts and pipes at any time to prevent loosening of these parts. This step must be well attended to in case of damage to the body or the device itself.
7. Control the current of pellet mill according to the given load. Overload production for a long time is absolutely not allowed. Otherwise, it would lead to damage of the equipment.
8. Pay attention to the fluctuation of the current during normal production, and stop the machine in time if any abnormality is found;
9. When the new equipment is used in production, the engine oil need to be changed when the transmission case of the pellet mill works continuously for 500 hours. Then, it should be changed generally every 3-6 months according to the production situation;
10. If the pellet mill is blocked in the production, the operator should loose the roller and clean the die wall before restarting the pellet mill. Force start of pellet mill under blocked state is absolutely not allowed.
11. Check the wear condition of the wear parts of pellet mill frequently to avoid sudden failure of the equipment and cracking of the ring die.

When using the wood pellet mill in the production, users should pay attention to the operation of wood pellet mill and avoid excessive damage to equipment. In the operation of wood pellet mill, the roller presses the material into the die holes forcefully...